Online Giving

Explore your options for supporting the ministries of Northside

One-Time or Recurring Donation

The DONATE button below will allow you to make a one-time or recurring donation to an NPC account of your choice. To do so click on the DONATE button which will take you to the PayPal website where you can either sign in to your PayPal account or choose to use your debit/credit card to make your donation. 

Once you’ve entered the PayPal website you will be prompted to enter a donation amount, and you can check the box to make it a monthly recurring donation.  When you click on 'Next' you will be given the opportunity to include any special instructions with your donation, similar to what you would include on the memo line of a check. For example: Capital Campaign, Mission trip to Peru in support of ________, Mercy Fund or Scholarship Fund. 

If there is no special instruction, the donation will be credited to the General Fund.

In order for you to receive a year-end tax statement, you should check the box to authorize PayPal to share your mailing address with Northside Presbyterian Church (PCA).